Sunday, 8 May 2016

Half-lap day 6: Hahndorf

Everyone slept solidly all night for the first time on the trip. Millie and I were first up and went on a walk to explore the caravan park a bit more in the daylight. We went and looked at the outdoor chess board (with no pieces) and then at the mini golf course. While we were discussing the animal statues in the mini golf, a guy came down and put the chess pieces out, so we had a game. We were surrounded by ducks and geese which was fun as well.

We had a rest day planned so spent it mainly hanging around the caravan park. Tony and the kids played a game of mini golf while I caught up on some bill paying and organising things that we hadn’t managed to get done before we left. Tony then went in to Mt Barker to organise a new mobile phone plan, and to look into more power options – our solar panels have been working to a point, but we’ve been worried that they won’t be able to maintain the fridge once we get into the hotter part of our trip – especially if we’re driving all day and they haven’t had a chance to charge the battery. So we bought the kit to set up a dual battery system in the car, so we can charge the battery on days we are driving, or days when we are camped. Feels like the best way to do it. 

The kids and I played a bit more in the games room. LiAM and I played air hockey and then fusball, I love playing air hockey SO much, and it’s so great to be able to play with the kids. They’ve all picked it up really quickly. I had a bit of a game with Millie too and she’s a pretty good defender. The kids then went up to the jumping pillow where Millie made some friends, and then decided that it was time for a swim. When Tony got back from town the kids all went in the pool – it was freezing but they really enjoyed being in the water for a while – then raced to have hot showers. Tony and the kids played some more in the games room and I read my book for a while. This was the first low paced day I’ve had in over a month, I’ve been so busy getting ready for this trip, and I kind of crashed a bit, really couldn’t find the energy to do anything much. It was lovely to just be able to sit and relax.

Tony took LiAM and Millie into Hahndorf to get mothers day and birthday presents for me, and Caitlin and I played mini golf. It’s quite a hard course and we had a lot of fun. On the way back to the tent she started chatting to a couple who have 2 dogs. They gave us some tips about a place to stay as we cross the Nullarbor, and talked about the coast of Western Australia. We drove in to town to pick up the others – I love driving through Hahndorf, with all the beautiful buildings and, at this time of year, the autumn colours. I loved looking at all the types of shops, even if I wasn’t going to go in any of them. Might go back and explore tomorrow. When we got back all the kids went up to play with the dogs and Tony went to the kitchen to watch the rest of the Collingwood game.

We had sausages, tomatoes and pasta for dinner, very tasty. The kids played some games on Caitlin’s iPad mini, and then went with Tony to play more air hockey. I read my book and made a phone call, Millie played on the computer, and then I tidied up and brought everything well in under the shelter, put away anything that might blow away as the forecast was for heavy wind and rain overnight.

Once all the kids were back we snuggled in to bed and read Brisingr for a while, then went to sleep quite quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie, Tony, Caitlin, Liam and Millie,
    what a wonderful opportunity you have created to travel together and discover all sorts of wonderful things about our land and about yourselves and other people. I really am just a bit envious. And I admire your courageous spirit. I hope your journey is fun and safe. Much love, Anne Benjamin, in Toongabbie.
