Wednesday morning we got up and I started to organise all our stuff for the trip home. We'd kept it pretty organised so I was able to gather it all together, then take everything out of the car and repack it fairly leisurely over the course of the morning. The girls made cupcakes, then all the kids played a 'Capture the Flag' type game outside for ages. We were ready to go by midday, by which time it was pouring rain with strong winds, so we decided to wait until the storm had passed (luckily there was no rain when I had all our stuff on the ground next to the car!)
After the storm we sadly said goodbye to our friends and the kittens. After 8 days in a small house, the 7 kids were still keen to be together for longer, and L and I felt the same way, so great to find a family we gel so well with.
We left a bit after 1pm and headed south. The rain came and went, and when we stopped for lunch in Sutton Forest it was windy and freezing cold. We hung out at McDonalds for an hour or so, then made it to Yass where I needed to get petrol - there was sleet being blown sideways in under the roof of the petrol station and I got saturated, I have never been so cold putting petrol in the car! I got the big kids an orange juice, and Millie a soft serve cone and myself a chai latte and we continued on in the rain. Everyone was feeling a bit sick by now - we'd all had sore throats and sniffly noses for a few days, and we kind of crashed once our holiday was over.
At Gundagai everyone had had enough of driving, so we checked into a cabin at the caravan park near the freeway. It was a much more deluxe cabin than the one we'd had on the way up, with 3 bunks, and everyone was very excited. We headed down to Woolworths to get food for dinner - and when I went to pay I realised I'd left my wallet in the cabin, so zipped back to get it and paid - the kids coped quite well with having to do the extra trip, and I had a moment where I thought I would get upset - then figured it didn't really matter, and I was fine.
The TV worked in this cabin so we watched TV while I cooked dinner, then headed to bed fairly easily and I read Eldest to everyone until I was too tired. I started the night with a bed to myself which was pretty exciting!
Millie came in part way through the night, and neither of us slept well. We were all up fairly early and none of us felt very well. We ate breakfast and packed up and the kids had a play in the playground, and we were on our way again by just after 9.30.
Listening to 'Toby Alone' on audio CD helped everyone pass the time easily, especially with our colds getting worse. Caitlin in particular had a high fever and felt quite miserable. We stopped at Glenrowan for petrol and got some fries and ice-cream from McDonalds. Millie chatted to some army ladies when we were at the toilet, and discovered that girls can join the army, which she liked the idea of.
On the way through Yea we stopped in at Mum and Dad's and spent a lovely few hours hanging out there - showing Grandad LiAM's coins, playing lego and animals, sharing stories about our holiday and what Grandma and Grandad had been up to, looking at changes to their furniture, eating some food. We left around 5pm and were finally home just before 6 - Tony was very happy to see us and everyone was very pleased to be back in our own house and looking forward to our own beds.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Sydney Trip - > Day 5 to Day 10
Over the rest of our time in Sydney, we spent a lot of time hanging out at the house, as well as a few outings, which made it feel more like a holiday (less like being at home). On the Friday afternoon we took all the kids to Sydney Aquatic Centre at Homebush - Millie's favourite pool and somewhere she's been wanting to go back to for months. We were there for about 4 hours, swimming in the kids pool and going in and out of the fountains and tipping buckets and showers, going around and around and around in the rapids, hanging out in the spa, going on the big slide (Millie is still not tall enough, but there were plenty of other things to do to keep her happy), and running over to be dumped on by the massive bucket of water. Millie and I usually keep well away from it, by the end of this visit though she was running over with everyone else to be there for the massive wave of water. I did it once and was happy to not do it again.
On Saturday the other kids had karate and a rehearsal and other things on, and we went to Lizard Log park which has a great adventure playground, and spent 3 hours hanging out with my friend K. Her kids weren't around this weekend, so my kids played and K and I had a great chat in between helping my kids. LiAM wasn't feeling well so he didn't enjoy the playground as much as he'd hoped. It was a wonderful catch up. And warm - the first time I've been able to be outside without a jacket for many months now! On the way home we had an early dinner at Red Rooster, then home for a quiet evening with the others.
Sunday we headed in to Balmain to see my brother and his wife. We had a BBQ lunch sitting on their balcony overlooking the harbour, it was another beautiful sunny day and a great setting. After lunch we walked to the ferry and they took us over to Cockatoo Island - somewhere I'd never been and was very excited to visit. We wandered through one of the tunnels, examined the old cranes and railway tracks and docks, sat in the sun and ate ice cream, climbed up to the top part of the island and looked at the old sandstone buildings. On the way back to the ferry Millie fell and hurt her knee, but the ferry ride home calmed her down and we enjoyed looking at the harbour from the ferry and checking out all the gardens on the walk back to the apartment. We stayed with my brother for a cuppa, watching photos and videos of their recent trip to Thailand and Burma where they rode on elephants. They had great presents for the kids from their trip too, fans and soap for the girls and Burmese money for LiAM.
Monday, and the times either side of our outings on the other days, we spent at the house, playing with the kittens, playing on iPads, playing on the swings and trampoline, watching TV, sewing, dressing up in costumes (the girls did a photo shoot), making up dances and performing them for everyone, cooking (there were 2 batches of cupcakes made), playing Scrabble, and chatting and laughing.
Tuesday we all went to the zoo - it only took just over an hour to drive there (boys and Millie in my car, girls in the other car). We got there just after 10 and left when it closed at 4.30. We started the day with a round trip ride on the cable car - very cool seeing the animals from above, and looking at the view over the harbour. We saw most of the animals, and stopped to watch the bird show and the seal show, both of which were excellent. We sat in the splash zone for the seal show (front row) and got quite wet, which Millie was upset about - she snuggled on my lap under my jacket for the rest of the show and was happy then. We played in the playground next to the lemurs, and then in the playground at the farm part. Millie had another 2 bad falls and hurt her knee again - luckily this time I had my sling with me so she could snuggle on my back and it wasn't so hard for me to carry her. We ended the day with a ride up on the cable car, then had ice cream and my kids bought souvenirs (a snow globe type thing with penguins in it for Caitlin, a small plush lemur (so cute!) for LiAM, and a Schleich seal for Millie, to partner the one she got a few years ago). Back to the car and LiAM and Millie and I were exhausted and still not well and wanted to go straight home, so the boys and Millie and I did that, only hitting a small pocket of slow traffic. L and the girls went down to the beach near the zoo and had a wonderful evening before heading home and missing the traffic entirely.
On Saturday the other kids had karate and a rehearsal and other things on, and we went to Lizard Log park which has a great adventure playground, and spent 3 hours hanging out with my friend K. Her kids weren't around this weekend, so my kids played and K and I had a great chat in between helping my kids. LiAM wasn't feeling well so he didn't enjoy the playground as much as he'd hoped. It was a wonderful catch up. And warm - the first time I've been able to be outside without a jacket for many months now! On the way home we had an early dinner at Red Rooster, then home for a quiet evening with the others.
K and I at Lizard Log Park, Caitlin on the flying fox (taken by LiAM) |
Lunch on my brother's balcony |
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Millie learning about sandstone on Cockatoo Island (and carrying her gift bag from her uncle and aunt) |
Cockatoo Island |
Millie asleep with the kittens and mummy cat |
Cupcake creation |
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Millie dancing her ballet dance |
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Sydney Trip -> Day 4
More sewing, iPads, trampolining, running
outside, dressing up, doing hair, Wii, and lots of chatting by L and I this
morning. The girls curled Caitlin’s hair as she was going to watch C perform in
Mary Poppins tonight. All the girls left around 2.30 with L to go to dancing
and then on to the show, and (for those not going to the show) to hang out in a
café and a place with chocolate fondue while the show was on. I stayed at home
with the 3 boys, and had a very quiet afternoon – they played the Wii and the
iPads, ran around outside for a while, watched TV, played with the kittens, and
popped out every so often to ask for food.
Sydney Trip -> Day 3
Despite having 13 different beds/mattresses
for people to sleep on, the 7 kids managed to use only 2 single beds for the
night! The 3 older girls slept in one bed, and Millie and the 3 boys in
another. They all seemed pretty happy (although a bit uncomfortable) and we
thought it was quite funny.
During the day the kids continued playing
in and outside. They watched a movie and L and I sat out the front and had a
cup of tea and a good chat. The older girls did a lot of sewing, making bags
and pillows and doll’s clothes. Millie had been given a teddy by the girls, and
they made clothes for it out of scraps – it looks amazing. The girls also
curled each other’s hair and did make up on each other.
In the afternoon the 3 boys went in to the
city as one of them has been cast in a commercial and needed to get fitted for
his outfit. They took the scooters and rode for a while in Centennial park and
climbed the fig trees, then called in to see a friend before going to the
wardrobe call. In the meantime the girls kept sewing and played the Wii for a
while, and curled my hair (which looked a bit ridiculous but was fun for all of
us). I took one of the girls to dancing, and then the 3 remaining girls and I
went shopping for more groceries (7 kids are eating a fair amount of food
between them!). We took our time shopping which Millie liked, she could play on
the rides and look at things in windows etc. We came home and did more sewing
and played on iPads etc. The others got home around 9, and we organized the mattresses
so that everyone could sleep in the one room without all having to sleep in the
same bed. We two mums again went to bed before everyone else, but they settled
down pretty quickly.
Sydney Trip -> Day 2
We woke to a very cold frosty morning.
Everyone was keen to get going so we could get to Sydney earlier, so we ate
breakfast, the kids helped to pack and to tidy up the cabin, then went to play
on the jumping pillow and playground while I finished packing the car.
We were on the road before 9.30, something
I can’t remember happening before when we’ve been staying in paid
accommodation. (I think everyone having their own bag makes packing much
easier, rather than one bag with everyone’s clothes in it). It was still cold
and frosty but a beautiful sunny morning and lovely to be driving. We listened
to some They Might Be Giants, and then started an Audio Book ‘Atticus Claw
Settles the Score’ – another book about a cat and it was hilarious and
By the time we approached Gundagai I needed
petrol so we stopped at the Dog on the Tuckerbox to fill the car and stretch
our legs. We had a play and bought some hot chips (and a hot drink for me) and
ate them in the sun near the dog. We also bought a couple of bags of Batlow
apples which were delicious.
We drove the last 3 hours to Sydney with
only one extremely brief stop (I pulled over, ran around to the door where the
food bags were, found the food that people wanted to eat, handed it out and
then we kept going and ate in transit). We reached our friends’ house at around
3.45, which was 2-3 hours before they were expecting us, so a very pleasant
surprise for them, and such a relief for my kids to finally be there. Even I
had been not quite believing we were going to actually get away on this
holiday, so it was so great to be with our friends and realize we’d made it.
I had a cup of tea with L, and the kids
played inside and out – on the trampoline and swings and bikes, in the
bedrooms, dressing up, on their iPads, with the kittens (5 kittens only 4 weeks
old – so incredibly small and cute!!!). After a couple of hours the girls had
to go out to a dancing/singing class. Caitlin went with them and was able to
join in the class which she loved. Millie and the boys and I stayed home and
they continued playing as they had before. We had Chinese for dinner once
everyone was home, then negotiated who was going to sleep where. L and I went
to bed before any of the kids, eventually they all took themselves off and fell
eating out,
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Sydney Trip-> Day 1
Having packed the car the night before, we
were out of the house by 9.20am which is impressive for us. We stopped off at
Ringwood Library to return some DVDs and borrow a pile of audio books to listen
to in the car. We made it to the city in plenty of time and after some minor
hassles sorting out payment for parking, we were at Caitlin’s audition just
before 11.
The audition (for a short film being made
by a 2nd year Uni student) went well and all 3 kids seemed to make
an impression. On our way out of the building the alarm went off and the
building was evacuated. When we reached the street there were 2 fire engines
and lots of firemen so it appeared that it was not a drill. Caitlin overheard
someone saying that a hot water pipe had burst. We waited outside for a little
while to see if anything exciting happened, and started chatting to the girl
who was auditioning after Caitlin. Another lady came over and said she’d
overhead me say that we were homeschooling, and that she had homeschooled hers
and loved it. The mother of the other auditioner said that she was also
thinking about homeschooling, so we chatted about that for a while and
exchanged details.
The kids were keen by now to get going on
our trip, so we left the excitement of the emergency and started to head north.
We stopped in Thomastown for Hungry Jacks (for the girls) and Red Rooster (for
LiAM and I) – they were conveniently located next to each other, and sat in the
car near a bike track to eat.
Then finally onto the Hume Freeway where we
really felt like we were on our way to Sydney. I was quite tired and the kids
were happy to have a break from the car, so we stopped after about an hour at
Grass Tree rest area. There was a walking trail which we walked around, and saw
lots of grass trees that looked more or less like Grug – which was pretty cool.
Lots of wattle trees as well, so they collected some wattle blossoms and
compared all the grass trees to Grug, and everyone felt refreshed when we got
back to the car. After another hour we stopped for a toilet break at Mokoan
rest area, and did another short walk – this time just along between some trees
and a field, so not as interesting but a good break. The girls needed another
toilet break a while later, so we stopped again, and talked to some girls whose
car had broken down. It looked pretty serious, nothing simple that I could help
with, so we wished them luck and moved on to Wodonga.
We reached Wodonga around 4.30 and everyone
was happy to stop for the night. We got a budget cabin at the Big 4 and the
kids went exploring (jumping on the jumping pillow and patting the dogs in the
dog off-lead area) while I had a cup of tea. It was cold outside (had been all
day, a very icy wind blowing) so everyone came back fairly quickly and we played
cards for a while, then went out to find a supermarket to get supplies for tea.
I’d promised the kids hotdogs for tea, so I
cooked those and fried myself some onion and kabana, and we ate them and then
Magnums for dessert. The kids played a superhero/supervillian game for a while,
then everyone got into bed and I read Eldest for a while. Caitlin was missing
Tony who normally rubs her back before she goes to sleep – Millie moved her
sleeping bag into Caitlin’s bed and rubbed her back for her which was very
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