We all slept much better this time with our extra blankets and the windows closed properly. I got up and had a cup of tea and read my book, and the kids woke up not long after. Millie played with her toys in the tent, LiAM played with his new friend, riding their scooters around the park, Caitlin rode her Ripstik and played on the jumping pillow, and I started to pack everything up.
Our tent all set up |
Once I was ready to fold the tent up Caitlin came and gave me hand - we got most of it done then left the bottom of the tent exposed to the sunlight while we went and had crumpets and english muffins and ice cream for breakfast. We finished packing away the tent with no problems, the kids went and had a last play with any of the stuff they wanted to revisit, and then they helped me get the trailer on to the car - it was tricky but I managed it by myself for the first time!
We left the caravan park just before midday, and drove through Ballarat to see where my Dad lived when he was at the monastery in Ballarat in the late 1960s. The building has been converted to apartments but it's still possible to see where he lived. We went to Lake Wendouree then and had a play on the big wooden playground. After a bit of a play we went for a walk to see if there were any cygnets amongst the many many swans. Caitlin was chased and hissed at by a cranky swan, and while we ate our lunch we had a few swans and many other water birds come to see if we were sharing. It was an enjoyable walk along the water front and over some little bridges, amongst gardens and so on. Back to the car then to head home - the girls had Guides at 4 so we had a bit of a time limit.
LiAM checking out the swans |
We left Ballarat just after 1.30 and had a smooth trip home. We went through McDonalds drive-through at one of the service centres so that I could get a Chai Latte and the kids got a chocolate sundae/soft serve cone/frozen raspberry drink. We listened to Magnificat and chatted about our trip and were back in Yarra Glen by about 3.45. Tony met us at Guides because I'd forgotten to bring Caitlin's badges and it was a full uniform day. It was great to see him very briefly before he went to work for the evening. Millie decided not to go to Guides, and V wanted to play with LiAM, so he and Millie, LiAM and I went home. I backed the trailer into our carport without anyone guiding me - it took a couple more attempts than when I'd had Tony to help, but I got it in exactly where I wanted it.
Back home |
The kids played and R brought Caitlin and S home after Guides had finished, along with fish and chips for dinner. The kids had a good play together and R and I had a great chat, then once they went home we settled down for our first night back in real beds. Read Eldest for a while then everyone went to sleep
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