Thursday, 18 February 2016

Lorne Homeschool Camp 2016 - Day 4

On our last morning I woke up before the others and went outside to a gorgeous orange sunrise. I went down to the beach and took some photos and had a quick morning swim - it was so beautiful in the water and refreshing as always. Back to the tent and I read my book and had some breakfast and relaxed a little before getting started on packing up.

The kids emerged after not too long and LiAM and Caitlin went for another walk on the beach. Caitlin went back over to the shops to get herself some more yoghurt. After we'd eaten I started tidying up the stuff that was outside the tent and then went in to start packing up clothes and beds and things. M arrived in time to help me take the beds apart which was rather handy! LiAM had a bit of a play with K and Caitlin went to chat with M until both of them left. The kids helped pack up in between playing with friends and exploring the campsite just a little more. Amelie washed the dishes for me which was an incredible help, saved a heap of time.
LiAM and some feathered visitors to our tent

I managed to get the tent packed up mostly by myself - LiAM helped pull the poles up on top, which meant he had to practically sit on top of it himself. The guy from the campsite next to us helped me tie it down - I will try to practice my truckers knots next time before I take it away without Tony - he does good knots and I haven't remembered how to reproduce them. Amelie's friend A came by and they helped us finish the dishes and pack up a bit more, then Amelie went to the playground with them while I finished putting everything in the trailer (our table has to go in first, so I wasn't able to put anything else in until I'd finished using it - I think we'll get a different table to make packing up easier). Finally everything was in (by 11.30, only half an hour later than I'd been aiming for) and the guys moving in to our site had arrived, so they helped me put the trailer on the car which was a great help.

I moved the car to a parking spot and joined the kids at the playground. LiAM was playing tag with Amelie, A and our 4 year old friend (who says Caitlin is now her best friend and has invited us to visit them again). Caitlin came back after a while and then we all went and got our swimmers on and went down to the closest beach for one last swim. LiAM had been wary of going back in here due to the stingray, but was feeling relaxed enough to give it a go and although we all kept an eye out for shadows and animals, we had an enjoyable swim. Amelie came in a little way, and dug some more sandcastles once she'd had enough. Once we'd all cooled off enough we went back up and showered at the outdoor shower, got changed and jumped in the car.

We wanted to see the bookshop (LiAM had been there with K the day before) and the op shop and Caitlin wanted to buy some postcards - but lunchtime on a hot Saturday afternoon was a crazy time to be in Lorne, there was nowhere to park the car with the trailer on, and everyone was too tired to walk very far. So we drove through town, up to the jetty and enjoyed seeing some of the different views and sights of the town, then turned around and headed towards home.

It was beautiful driving along the Great Ocean Road again, and once we got away from the coast we started playing car games again - counting horses and birds and dogs and so on. We stopped at McDonalds just as we reached the Ring Road and got ice creams and a Chai for me, and had a quick play in the playground. We were home by 5pm (Tony wasn't here, he was still at work), quite tired and very very happy that we'd gone to homeschool camp. The last full day in particular was a highlight, definitely enough to encourage us all to go along again next time. Coming home was also exciting, seeing all our animals again and settling into our own house.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Lorne Homeschool Camp 2016 - Day 3

Once again LiAM and Caitlin were up early, and went down to the beach to see the early sunlight on the water. They found another homeschooler down there practicing her violin, and they sat on a rock and listened to her while they watched the waves. I had a cup of tea and read my book. Amelie slept for a while longer, and got herself up and dressed before she came out of the tent. While I was eating my breakfast a lady walked past who I wanted to introduce myself to, so I abandoned my toast and ran out to meet her - Asphyxia, who has created the online Auslan course the kids and I are doing. I knew she'd arrived at camp the night before so I'd been practicing my signing so that I could introduce myself and tell her we loved her course. She was really lovely and came and met the kids, the girls both signed to her as well, Caitlin introduced herself and Amelie said 'pink' so they talked about Amelie's pink flamingo towel and she showed us the sign for flamingo. We chatted for a little while and it wasn't as hard as I was worried it might be, I was so glad I'd gone to say hello. When she left I turned around to see my toast being stolen by a cockatoo - he sat up in the tree above our site and fought off all his friends who wanted to share it with him...

After breakfast LiAM went over to K's tent and I hung around and read my book some more. I also introduced myself to a few more of the families who were camping near us, we were all feeling more comfortable after a few days in the area. Caitlin went for a walk with M, and after a while Amelie's new friend A came past and said they were going to the playground, so we joined them there. K and his other friends were going up to the main playground in town, so LiAM went with them. After a while Amelie and I, and A and her family decided to join them - we got there just as they were about to leave. They stayed for a little while and chatted with us, then LiAM went back with them and Amelie and I headed home soon after - and everyone agreed to head back up to the flagged beach for a swim after lunch.

We had some lunch and then one by one (or in groups) basically the whole homeschool camp moved up to the main beach. It was cool all being together, without everyone having to get there at the same time (so it wasn't stressful to organise). The waves were bigger today, but LiAM and Caitlin had no problem with them. Amelie mainly played on the beach with A and her brother, and I spent some time talking to A's Mum, and some time in the water with LiAM and K. K had a boogie board, and his Mum had one for a while which I then borrowed - it's been 25 years or so since I rode a boogie board, and I thought I'd be too scared to drop down the face of a wave that was about to break. I was right, at first I was trying the waves that had already broken, and was able to occasionally go a little way - eventually I did try one (not a big one) that was about to break, and did have a little tiny drop down the front of it, and made it all the way in to shore!!! It was very exciting, and extremely tiring. I handed the board over to one of the dads at that point, I was happy to go out on a successful ride. I took Millie in to the surf for a little while, she was OK with me carrying her in and holding her very tight. She got splashed a bit and was a little scared but enjoyed it for a while. I was worried that her extra weight might push me over with a bigger wave, so I was pretty careful and it was fun. She was happy to go back and play in the edge of the waves after that, and went out a little further than she had been. Caitlin and M were way out near the back of the break again, and LiAM was happy to go further than he had been before - it was exciting for me to see them all becoming more comfortable with beach/surf swimming, as it's something that I've always loved so much and I'm happy to be able to share it with them.

Amelie and A buried their mother's feet in the wet sand again - not as high as the bigger girls the day before, and a bit closer to the edge of the water so it kept getting washed away - they had fun and we were happy standing there chatting. I talked to Asphyxia again and her son helped me a bit with the boogie boarding. It was an incredibly beautiful and enjoyable afternoon. We had to keep moving our stuff further up the beach as the tide came in, which created a bit of amusement and panic at times. I think we were there for a few hours, the kids had so much fun in the water and really didn't want to leave until they were completely exhausted. One by one families headed back to the campsite. LiAM and Amelie and I eventually wandered back, and Caitlin came later with M.

We got changed and I left the kids playing in the tent and went over to the shops to get more milk, and some noodles for Caitlin's tea, and a couple of other things. I kept running into people to chat to on the way, and I did get there eventually. I walked home in the other direction, down the side of the river and over the bridge, which I hadn't done before - at this evening hour the water was clear and reflecting perfectly, it was so beautiful (and I didn't have my camera with me!). For tea Amelie had an egg and ham omelette, Caitlin had noodles in a cup, I had fried eggplant and LiAM had a ham sandwich - everyone was happy and it was all easy to prepare. E and M came and sat with us and we talked about Maths and books and camping and all sorts of things. Caitlin by this stage had also met some of the other 11 year girls at camp, so they decided to try and join the teens party that was happening that night, I said that was OK if they stayed around the campsite, so they happily went off with M to do that.
Our tent and associated swimming gear

Amelie and LiAM played on the computer for a while and E and I talked until we were tired enough to call it a night, so we went to bed. Amelie and LiAM went to bed quickly, I waited up for Caitlin who came in a bit after 11 having had an awesome time at the party. She wanted to go back for a little while so I said another half an hour, and she came in very happily just before midnight.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Lorne Homeschool Camp 2016 - Day 2

I woke a few times in the night thinking that it was morning - then realised that there was a street light not far from our tent, and I'm used to sleeping in a much darker environment. LiAM and Caitlin woke early and went for a walk down to see the beach (and found a dead crab) and then had a wander around the campsite. Amelie and I woke up to what sounded like raining but was actually cockatoos on our tent - and all over our table, finishing off the remains of the chocolate bavarian which I had forgotten to put in the bin. Amelie played in the tent while I sat outside and had a cup of tea and read my book (Enders Game - fantastic! Better than the movie, which I really loved). 

Caitlin went over to the Foodworks to get a few more supplies for breakfast (Amelie wanted crumpets, Caitlin wanted yoghurt), and we ate at our table. Caitlin took our 4 year old sandcastle friend to the playground, and Amelie had a bit of a play there too once I said I'd stay and watch. M arrived after breakfast and she and Caitlin went for a walk up the street to browse the shops and buy ice cream. LiAM, Amelie and I went down to the beach, Amelie played on the sand and LiAM and I went in the water, it was so much fun swimming with him. The waves were smallish again, but enough to feel like we were in the ocean. At one point I saw a shadow in the water (we had been watching out for crabs as someone saw one in the shallow water the day before, and there was a bit of seaweed around too) and realised it was a stingray swimming parallel to the shore, straight towards us!!! I grabbed LiAM and pointed it out, and we stared it for a few seconds, then as it got close to us it turned and headed out to sea, and we turned and ran into shore, hearts pounding, and laughing and laughing. It was exciting and scary and exhilarating and very cool! 

We were going to head back to the tent, when LiAM's friend K, and Caitlin and M and her Mum E came down to the beach, so we went in the water again. LiAM was quite nervous and didn't want to stay in very long, and I found myself watching shadows a fair bit as well. I got out and was talking to E at the waters edge, and the girls buried our legs up to our knees in wet sand - it was a bit tricky getting out, they did quite a thorough job.

We went back to the campsite and LiAM and I played cards in the tent, then he went to find K, and Amelie and I played cards. LiAM came back and we had some lunch, (I had toasted sandwiches on the camp stove - delicious), and when Caitlin came back we got ready and went up the street to have an ice-cream. Everyone was feeling a bit flat so a walk and a treat was just what we needed. On the way I ran into another homeschooler I have met before, and we introduced our kids to each other. She has an 8 year old girl, A, who likes similar games to Amelie, so we agreed we'd get them together for a play later on during the camp.

We bought LiAM some new thongs, then went to the Stone Cold IceCreamery, where they add little extra bits to the ice cream if you want them too. I said I would buy one scoop and one add on each, and LiAM decided to pay for an extra scoop and 2 extra add ons himself - he had boysenberry and english toffee scoops, with kit kits, peppermint aero bar, and flake. He was very happy with his selection. Caitlin had raspberry sorbet with popping candy, Amelie had rainbow with nerds, and I had Baileys and Scorched Almond with Peppermint Crisp. We went across the road to the main playground and ate them there - LiAM and I sat at the table and ate our cups, the girls ate their cones while they played. We stayed and played for a while, then walked back to camp via the beach. On the way we met M and E, so walked with them, and decided to come back up to this main beach where the flags were, for a swim.
Ice Cream on an elephant seal

So back to camp (with a small backtracking walk for me as I'd dropped one of Amelie's shoes on the sand and wanted to go back and find it before the waves got it - which was a good choice, as I had dropped it near the water's edge, and up ahead I saw a lady pick it up and move it above the tide line, very thoughtful) and then into our swimming gear and back down to the main beach. The waves were bigger here, and it took LiAM a little longer to get used to the waves - he came in with me and at first stayed quite shallow then moved out further as he got more confident. He was happier swimming here with more people too as he felt there was less chance of a stingray coming in close to a crowd. Caitlin and M went out past the break which they said was pretty awesome. I swam with LiAM for a while and dug in the sand with Amelie for a while and talked to E for a while. Amelie had her shovel and rake and some buckets this time so digging and creating sandcastles was even easier.

Once the younger 2 had had enough we went back to camp and the kids played the computer in the tent, everyone was exhausted again. Caitlin came back with the others when they were done, and we decided to get fish and chips and eat together. We left all the kids at our tent and E and I walked up the street to buy the food - we met some other homeschoolers on the way and walked with them to the far end of the main street, then walked back down to the fish and chip shop we'd been looking for. It was crazily expensive, and we walked back up the street to see what the others were like - all very expensive, ($9 each for a piece of fish or a plain hamburger) so eventually we went back to the first one and got our food there, then back to the kids and ate at our table overlooking the river.

LiAM went inside to play the computer, Amelie snuggled up with me and then went inside after a while, and Caitlin and M chatted with E and I for a while, then decided that perhaps they could go and sit with the teen group, who were playing music across from us. They went for a while but didn't find it very interesting and people didn't really speak to them, so they called it a night. We were all in bed a bit earlier this night, a full day outside and lots of time at the beach was quite tiring.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Lorne Homeschool Camp 2016 - Day 1

I didn't sleep well the night before we left - I went to bed later than I'd like, and then as often happens I dreamt all night about getting ready and driving there and wondered how it was all going to work out. Once I was up in the morning though everything went smoothly. We didn't rush, all stayed calm and packed our clothes and the food and put it all in the trailer and car. The kids tried out their new camp beds in the lounge room before we packed them, everyone was quite excited about that!

We left around 12.40, a bit later than I'd hoped, still with plenty of time to get there and have a good afternoon. The trip down was quite uneventful, we counted horses and other animals and listened to music and chatted. The drive along the Great Ocean Road to Lorne was spectacular as always - and the kids had only seen it once before (4 1/2 years ago) on a cold, grey, rainy winters afternoon. This day the sea was a brilliant aqua, an incredible colour, and so so beautiful.

We arrived at the caravan park at 3.30 and went to set up our camper trailer. As we arrived we saw LiAM's friend K and were shown where his tent was, and as we drove to our site we saw some friends who we hadn't been sure were coming, so Caitlin was very excited. We could see other homeschoolers we vaguely knew, and other families who we assumed were also homeschoolers. As we were setting up, Caitlin's friend M arrived at our site. The girls helped for a little while and then I said they could go for a walk and see the beach etc. LiAM went with K to see his tent again. I finished setting up and M helped us with the camp beds (one of them takes a bit of strength to click into place) and then we all got into our swimmers and headed for the beach - just across the field from us.

The water was beautiful, not cold at all. Amelie mainly stayed on the sand and ran around for a while and started building a sand castle. Caitlin went in the water with M, and LiAM went in with K. They took their boogie boards in for a while, and then just swam without them.

The waves were only small (although slightly bigger than the previous 2 beaches we'd been to) and LiAM was quite comfortable with them. I had a bit of a swim then helped Amelie with her sand castle. Another little girl who we'd met once before came and helped us as well.
Amelie working on her sandcastle

I chatted to some of the other mums while the kids swam and eventually I left Caitlin with M and the rest of us went back up to the tent. When Caitlin had finished all the girls went and had a shower (LiAM was already changed). We played near the tent for a while and once everyone was ready we walked over to the shops - there was a Foodworks across the road from the caravan park. On the way we discovered an ice dispenser which turned out to be much handier than having to buy bags of ice from the supermarket. We got milk and a few other supplies and more snacks, then back to the tent where I cooked pasta and cabana and a tomato/silverbeet sauce. LiAM grated some cheese for me, and then everyone was able to eat whichever bits they liked, and everyone ate a lot. M came and joined us after tea, and helped us eat the Chocolate Bavarian we'd bought - I hadn't had one since I was a kid, and had been meaning to introduce it to mine for a while - I was quite happy when LiAM spotted it in the freezer. After dessert Caitlin went for a walk with M (who is 16 so I was happy for Caitlin to be with her even when I wasn't around) and we got ready for bed. It took us a little while to get settled, lots of excitement with sleeping in new beds, then finally all into bed and crashed pretty quickly.

Our campsite faced the Erskine River - this is the view from our site